Effective ecosystem-based management involves the input of multiple stakeholders within the community. Chesapeake Bay management practices are representations of policies created with an abundance of stakeholder input. These practices are implemented to improve the water quality and to restore ecosystem function of the Bay. Below you can find a list of major stakeholders within the Chesapeake Bay.
State Agencies
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
A state agency that is responsible for protecting public health by regulating the Shellfish Harvesting Areas in Maryland waters.
Virginia Marine Resources Commission
The Department of Conservation and Replenishment that is located within the Virginia Marine Resources Commission is tasked with managing and replenishing the public oyster grounds in Virginia.
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality is one of the lead agencies in the Virginia Oyster Heritage Program.
Multi-Partner Groups
The Chesapeake Bay Program is a regional, multi-agency partnership that directs and conducts the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay.
Virginia Oyster Heritage Program
The Virginia Oyster Heritage Program is a partnership among state and federal agencies, nonprofit organizations, watermen and business groups.
Potomac River Fisheries Commission
The Potomac River Fisheries Commission, consists of four members from Virginia and four from Maryland, works to conserve and improve the seafood resources of the Potomac River.
The Chesapeake Bay Commission is a trip-state legislative body that advises the general assemblies of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania in cooperatively managing the Chesapeake Bay.
Nonprofit Organizations
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is a non-profit conservation organization with offices in Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania.
The Oyster Recovery Partnership has a mission to bring back the health of the Chesapeake Bay by restoring critical oyster resources.
Academic and Research Institutions
Academy of Natural Science Estuarine Research Center
The Academy of Natural Science Estuarine Research Center conducts research and monitoring related to oyster reef ecology, oyster population dynamics and oyster disease.
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science conducts interdisciplinary research in coastal ocean and estuarine science. The program also educates students and citizens and provides advisory service to policy makers, industry and the public.
The University of Maryland provides scientific guidance and monitoring services for many of the oyster restoration projects in the state of Maryland.
Private Stakeholders
Watermen and Private Leaseholders
The group includes individual watermen working public oyster beds and private groups or individual holding leases for on-bottom oyster aquaculture.
Seafood Industry
This stakeholder group includes associations such as the Virginia Seafood Council and the Chesapeake Bay Seafood Industries Association.
Citizens play an important role by providing public support for restoring the Bay and serving as volunteers on restoration projects and organizing community groups that work to improve the quality of their local waters.